Thursday, June 16, 2011

Blueberries for Keagan

Have you read the children's book Blueberries for Sal? It is one of my favorites, and today when I took Keagan to Brewer's Farm to pick blueberries, we were living that book. It was written sixty plus years ago, but my Keagan is Sal all over. I found him stuffing his mouth with multiple berries while dropping one berry into his bucket. After half an hour, Keagan's one berry drops were still making a kuplunk sound because his bucket was still empty.

When it came time to pay for the berries, Keagan's bucket had less than a pint of berries. At least a quart were in his tummy, though, and when we got to the check out line, the owner of the farm looked quizzically into his bucket and asked what happened. Keagan replied, "I take my blueberries seriously."

Unlike Sal's Mom, I am not spending my afternoon canning berries. Blueberry pie is in the making for tonight's dessert, and Keagan says blueberry smoothies are a must for breakfast tomorrow. One stomach ache later, though, Keagan might need to rethink how serious he wants to be about blueberries.

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