Tuesday, May 17, 2011

States of Matter Wins State

The invitation to tonight's Media Festival suggested students dress in their Sunday Best to walk the red carpet and receive their awards. We have attended non-traditional churches for the past six years, and although we go to church every Sunday, the boys do not have suits, jackets, or ties. To have a pair of shoes that fit AND are not basketball shoes, cleats or muddy tennis shoes is about as dressy as we get. I didn't even have that. It took two trips to the shoe store before I found a pair that fit.
Don't let me even get started on the idea of trying to find a shirt and tie. The PX didn't have it, and we had no time to drive to Savannah for any shopping. I quickly gave up on that idea, and when I announced to Evan that our Sunday best would include a shirt and sweater vest, something in the closet from last Easter, I heard him mutter, "Thank you, Jesus!" Tonight he didn't give a second thought to the one size too small vest that bunched around his waist like the wardrobe of Pat from the "Just Pat" sketch on SNL, but I did.
Forget the wardrobe malfunction, though, and the fact I am now on a first name basis with the elderly lady working returns in the shoe department. We learned his team's web page on the states of matter earned a perfect score at the state level and now the project will proceed to the national level!

Congratulations to this great second grade team!

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