Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Ladies Man

This conversation transpired at last night's media festival in front of the photo op of the adjacent "man and woman":

N (the girl in the photo): Mom, I really want to take my picture with Evan.
Mom: I know you do, hon. Why don't you ask him?
Me: Honey, I don't want you to get your feelings hurt, but Evan would never agree to have his picture made in that. He is really shy and standing there would be totally embarrassing to him.
Only a few seconds later.
N: Evan, (batting her eyelashes and giving him one big smile) will you take a picture with me?
Evan: In THAT???? (It was right here when I thought for sure he would tell her no.) OOOOOOHHH! Sure! This will be so funny.

I am positive that I sent him to kindergarten only three years ago quiet, shy, introverted, and agreeable to anything but girls - unless it was Campbell because she agreed to be Gwen when they played BEN10. Where did that all go? 

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