Friday, May 20, 2011

Dear Keagan

Keagan's teacher had her students practice letter writing skills this week. The students wrote letters to one another, and Keagan came home with a stack of sweet, sweet notes from his kindergarten friends. Those who are not able to write sentences yet, drew pictures. Here are a couple of my favorites:

Kigan play wif me fooball

Keegin yo fast. Connor (Keagan you are fast.)

I like Keagan becus we have fun with the futball and socr.

I like Kagen bekus fune and fast. (I like Keagan because he is funny and fast.)

Keagan you are so sooper fas I cntat beev that you are so fast. (Keagan you are so super fast and I can't believe that you are so fast.)

Do we see a theme here?

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