Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Make That Two First Place Winners

Today, at the second grade honor assembly, Evan won the first place prize for earning the most AR points in his grade. Back in January, I promised the boys that if they both won first place, I would take them to Summer Waves, a waterpark on Jekyll Island.

What was I thinking when I made that promise? For if you don't know, I really despise waterparks! But I said this in January when the temps were hovering at about 45 degrees and summer was so far away that I totally forgot about how much I hate wet, moldy bathrooms, screaming kids in swim diapers, and wearing a bathing suit in public.

I feel like a smuggled libation or two might be in my future. With three smuggled libations, I might just be able to spend an entire morning in the water park.

How I kid! For this guy, I would spend an entire weekend in a waterpark!

May he remember next fall the feeling of success captured in this photo when he wants to watch another episode of Big Time Rush when he should be reading. 

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