Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mother's Day

I thought for sure I would awake on Mother's Day to the smell of sausage, eggs, and pancakes. However, I was awakened with about a dozen bottles of various spices falling to the floor as Wes combed the cabinets looking for cinnamon. The breakfast in bed was a no-go, but the boys had this awaiting me instead.

I will take the purse over the calories on my hips any day.

I will also mention that Evan created a magazine for me for Mother's Day. One "article" required him to take the letters in MOTHER and write something about me. For the letter R, he put "Reads a lot!!!!", for O he wrote "outstanding teacher" and for T he wrote "terrific at math." This all made complete sense to me. However, for H he wrote, "hates to be insulted." When I asked him what that meant, he said, "You hate it when people make fun of you."

This response generated even more questions for me, so I bit the bullet and asked, "Who is making fun of me, Evan?" His response: I don't know, but I know you wouldn't like it if they were.

Keagan's school craft project was just as cute. Luckily, nothing was written or said this year about my secret pleasure (so secret I was not even aware of it) of dressing up in a costume and going for a bike ride.

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