Sunday, December 12, 2010

This and That

I have a million little tid-bits I want to write about, and although I could try to make a separate blog for each, my story lines get lost between cleat rescue 101: what to do when shoes get stuck on the roof, meal preparation number 7 for the day, and endless battle cries of "In Your Face, Sucker!"

So here it goes.

If you are ever in Savannah during the month of December, you must see "The Journey". It is an interactive story celebrating the birth of Christ hosted by one of the local mega-churches, and it is fantastic - even if you happen to attend with another 1800 people or so.

Basketball season is upon us and filling our every last free hour. I relented to the endless pleas to play, and I fully expected Evan to be blown off the court with a bunch of little Michael Jordans on his team. Instead, I was blown away to find Evan was actually good. He is the tallest player by at least three inches, and if it weren't for his ceaseless yells of "Pass, Pass!" to all of his teammates, then it would actually be enjoyable to watch him play. The other parents have now begun to refer to Evan as "The Boy Who Always Yells Pass"; the only Michael Jordan-esque playing we got going on is Evan's tongue hangin' out of his mouth with every dribble of the ball. Our first game is in January; please let us win just one game.

Despite the version created on the television show NCIS, there is nothing glamorous about being a criminal investigator for the military. Especially when your husband comes home and says, "Don't touch those clothes. They have a murder victim's blood all over them." Even more so when I spend the next three days stepping over them because touching them does seem worse than having them sit in the middle of my laundry room.

Yesterday I stood in line behind Keagan to board a trolley in Savannah, and Keagan stepped to the side, and said, "Ladies first." I boarded first, and then when it came time to get off the trolley, he stepped aside to let me out of my seat first. I have no idea where he learned this, but Puffy Hair Girl has made quite the catch!

Yesterday Keagan also told me, "Mom, I don't need any Christmas presents as long as I have you with me." Puffy Hair Girl, step aside. Let it be known that you have caught a Mama's Boy, and because I am perfectly okay with this, don't expect it to change anytime soon.

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