Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I Had Good Intentions

Dear New Neighbor One Street Over,

We wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood, and since it is the week before Christmas, we thought Christmas cookies and candy would be an appropriate way to welcome you to Parish Crossing. I made peanut butter balls yesterday afternoon. I made three dozen and the Hershey kisses melted just perfectly in the middle of the peanut butter. Unfortunately, they were eaten this morning when I thought I would sleep in on this, my second day, of Christmas vacation. It seems my two little boys decided they made a healthy breakfast choice. 
I also made a large batch of chocolate fudge. It took me a good half hour to boil the sugar and butter combination, and I stirred it non-stop for a full four minutes - something I usually have little patience for. Imagine my surprise when I found that it actually set into a real batch of fudge. However, this afternoon, after a game of football in the yard, the boys, my own including the neighborhood boys, came in for a snack. This is what I found in the kitchen when they returned to the yard.

I am not predicting much success with the sugar cookies either. They are my favorite after all.
However, we have a daily game of football taking place in our front yard pretty much 24/7. Please join us one day this week.

Merry Christmas and Welcome!

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