Sunday, November 14, 2010

What'll Have

 What'll Ya Have? 

We'll have a weekend filled with soccer games at the annual Kohl's Cup. Our entire season was played in preparation for this tourney. No one expected us to score, much less win. But we did. We won one game, and no team felt obliged to play keep-a-way with our boys because the scores remained really close in all of the games. That was success in and of itself.

We'll have a win and watch Evan play offense. Evan has played goalie and defense all year, and in the last half of the last game, Coach put Evan in as a striker. Evan played his heart out. It was reminiscent of the good old days in Virginia when he played offense for Team United. 

We'll have a morning at the Georgia Aquarium in downtown Atlanta. We saw sharks, sea urchins, sting rays, and so much more. The boys loved it!

We'll have lunch at The Varsity, the famous burger joint in downtown Atlanta that has each cashier yelling, "What'll Ya Have" as you step up to order. We had seen this place on the Food Network and we thought it would be a fun place to stop for a quick lunch. Wes had the chili cheese dawg and said his life was complete now that he had the best hot dog chili ever. Perhaps my palette is just not sophisticated enough to recognize good chili when tasted, but my palette can tell you I had the best onion rings ever!

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