Saturday, November 20, 2010

Tradition That's Hard to Break

It's a tradition that we started in Virginia and continued in Georgia. Tonight we hosted a Thanksgiving dinner that included the agents in Wes's office and their family members. Even with many agents from our office deployed and several out on a case, I think I still counted 36 people. Sadly, I knew the names of only three people in the room. I felt like a general's wife with fake smiles, offers of more potatoes, and all the while hoping to God the strangers' little ones didn't spill soda on my brand new barstools. Then I realized that I was that OLD general's wife when one spouse told me she graduated highschool in 2004. Dear God!

Next year, I am planning every detail of the event, and I am leaving the soldiers out of it. Maybe next year we will actually have someone bring forks, and we might have something other than two turkeys, 10 pounds of mashed potatoes, 5 pounds of green beans, and 100 dinner rolls.

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