Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving with Family

Every time we make the trip to Texas, I feel like our week is packed with appointments to see people. Every time I leave, I say our next trip will be different. We will have free time and unscheduled days. I promise that we will be able to spend the week without a calendar of events.

Unless, of course, it includes tickets to a Cowboy game.

One day this week, while visiting family, Evan met my ten year old cousin that he last saw in 2004 when Evan was two years old. Within minutes the two had escaped the adults, and while walking through the pasture outside my aunt's house, Evan and Sam were found in deep conversation. They seemed to have found something in common (even if it has yet to be identified). Later that afternoon, Evan asked, "Where's that kid been all this time?" 

Note to self: Make more "appointments" to see family so your kids actually know who they are and refer to family members by name instead of with non-descript phrases like "that kid."

When you are in Texas, in a pasture with a big red barn, hanging on a rusty gate while meeting your long lost cousin, pictures are in order. 

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