Monday, November 22, 2010

Deep in the Heart of Texas

For the two people that read my blog, I have to tell you that the Cowboys game was everything that we expected and then some. After whines and cries and protests with the decision to stay in a hotel in Dallas Saturday night instead of driving straight to Opa and Oma's, I had to tell the boys that we had a surprise for the next day.

The next morning we were in the rental car driving parallel to the stadium, completely oblivious that we were on the wrong side of the railroad tracks because we were all captivated by the sheer size of the stadium, and Keagan asked, "This is our surprise? A real surprise would be to go in the stadium and watch the game. Not drive by it." He said this while pretending he was totally not impressed. However, Evan, our sweet, sweet Evan, said, "Driving by it and seeing the stadium in person is surprise enough for me."

Wes and I had tears because we couldn't even imagine how he would react when he found out we were actually planning to go into the stadium.

We pulled into the parking lot of some sketchy motel with the catchy name, "Fiesta", where we had scored cheap parking, and Wes pulled out four tickets to the game. Surprise, Boys!

And nothing was said.

At all.

The boys were in shock for a good five minutes, but when it became more real for them, their ear-to-ear smiles said it all. It was an added bonus that we won the game, and an even bigger surprise for us to run into friends of ours that we knew from church while living in Virginia.

We had our fill of frito pie, more than our fill of Cowboy cheerleaders, and plenty of opportunities to cheer and raise the noise meter, but we already look forward to our next game. 

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