Tuesday, November 30, 2010


This past week, while eating our first barbecue dinner in Texas (I say that only because we had three barbecue dinners and all but the first one were good - really good), Evan revealed to us that Keagan has a girlfriend. In our house, this is usually said to embarrass the other brother, and it's usually not meant to be taken very seriously. After all, the last thing that any eight year old or six year old boy wants is a girlfriend - especially when we all know how "annoying" girls are. However, on this night Keagan didn't say too much to discount the story. In fact, he later elaborated with the following physical description: She has "puffy hair like a popcorn ball", but when you look at her face "it is really very pretty."

When Keagan came home from school today, he was more than excited to tell me that he had something special in his pocket. I guessed a piece of candy because he does behave from time to time (I know, shocker!) and receive random rewards. No, that was not it.

I guessed another blue slip because it has been a week since he has been recognized for his speed and/or agility in PE. No, that was not it.

I guessed a birthday invitation, and that wasn't it either.

With one sleek move of his wrist, Keagan pulled out a tiny piece of paper and waved it in front of my face.

It was a phone number. Instantly, visions of puffy haired little girls swam in my head, and I created a myriad of excuses of why we would not be able to use any phone in our house for probably the next week. Maybe never. I was so caught up with my creative excuses, I almost missed his next sentence.

"Do you think Aidan and I can have a play date this week?"

Incredibly, all of our phones were back in working order.

When Wes got home, he commented that he couldn't believe Keagan came home with a phone number, and that's when I told him he should be relieved that it's not Puffy Hair's number.

A play date with Aidan is forthcoming.

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