Saturday, October 2, 2010

Weekend Sports Update: #4

After a late night last night, none of us were particularly excited to hear the alarm go off at 6:30, even if it was a Saturday and time for another weekend of games. However, we got to field one and Evan was super excited to see his good friend Benjamin on the opposing team. Little did we know that the team would prove to be a really good team. In fact, we almost lost. I didn't get to see the exciting finish because Keagan had a t-ball game.

We left field one for the baseball complex. Everyone now knows that Keagan takes sports to a whole 'nother level. When he plays, nothing can distract him, unless of course he finds someone running around the bases that is willing to talk as much he does. However, today he decided that this was the day to wear batting gloves to protect his hands from blisters. This proved to be quite humorous to most adults because while the other kids climbed the chain link dug out or drew pictures in the dirt, Keagan confidently put on not one but two gloves, clapped his hands to get the fit just right, and then practiced swinging the bat to ensure he got a good grip. This proved to be all in vain because he hit the ball to the pitcher. He is determined to make it work, though, and he has decided to keep practicing the swing with the gloves.

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