Friday, October 15, 2010

The Real Army Guy

When I picked Keagan up from school on Friday, we had this conversation.
- Mom, this was the very best day of my life.
- Really? Tell me what happened!
- It was so fun, Mom. It was the best. You won't ever believe this.
- Well, tell me. I want to hear.
- We got to rotate to stations today at school and we met a police officer, a fireman, and a REAL ARMY GUY.
- A real army guy, huh?
- Yeah, he was the best!
- Keagan, you know you have a Real Army Guy that lives with you, right?
- No, Mom, this guy is the real thing because he wears camouflage, carries a gun, and fights in wars.
- Daddy is the real thing, too, Keagan. It's because Daddy is the Army that we are living in Georgia. It's the reason why I work on a military installation. It's the reason your daddy is going to Afghanistan!
- Mom, Dad might be in the Army, but if he doesn't wear the camouflage and shoot bad guys, then he isn't the real thing.

This coming from the little boy that just emptied Wes's duffle bag and pulled out every holster and piece of equipment associated with weaponry that was stuffed under his multiple pieces of camouflage clothing. However, isn't it ironic that he associates the other soldiers' deployments with war and his dad's deployment as a peace mission?

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