Friday, October 29, 2010

This Crazy Life of Ours

I was convinced I was going to be a widow left with the responsibility of rearing two young boys on my own. I had the million dollar life insurance policy allotted into the proper categories - on paper anyway. I had decided I would give the truck to some dear friends of ours. I envisioned the closets cleared of all men's wear - okay maybe I would keep a few shirts as mementos, but the desert gear was definitely gone. With the exception of where I would live, I had it all decided just in case the unit commander arrived at my classroom door one school day or the uniformed chaplain arrived at my front door one weekend.

Others might read this as crazy. I call it coping. I have heard that many military spouses do the same thing just prior to a deployment or during deployment.

However, on Thursday night, just twelve short hours before Wes was to leave for Fort Benning to catch a plane to fly into theatre, we received word that his orders for Afghanistan had been pulled. The story we got was command exceeded the cap for agents in theatre and troop movement (for agents anyway) was put on hold until January. I was the first to receive the news, and I think that I came just inches from jumping up and down and kissing Wes's commander. Instead, I calmly asked him, "Are you kidding me?"

At this juncture, it appears we have avoided another deployment - this makes the third in about a year's time. We won't hold our breath, though, because the next deployment list will be issued next month. Will we be lucky yet again?

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