Monday, October 11, 2010

The Barking Seal

This weekend Keagan had an endocrinology appointment at the Children's Hospital in Jacksonville so the boys and I made a weekend of it. However, on the drive to Jacksonville, Evan's cough and fever evolved into croup, the same sickness that had us frantically arriving to the Krakenhaus in Germany at 2:30 in the morning back in 2004 and the same sickness that put Evan in the ER and then the Children's Hospital in Virginia in 2005. The same sickness that every doctor said he would outgrow by the age of seven.

I think someone was wrong.

However, Evan is a trooper, and he refused to skip the zoo. We toted our barking seal as far as he could go, and then we carried him back to our hotel room for some R&R and the televised Cowboys game.

Would you know that my own exhaustion had me so overwhelmed that I arrived to the zoo with a camera but no memory card? I have no pictures of the lovely zoo, but I think it is just as well because the pictures would have surely shown Evan with his eyes half closed.

On Monday morning we found a shopping center just down the road from our hotel that left all three of us drooling - well, maybe just one of us was drooling. For the first time in MONTHS, I actually found a clothing store. As you know, I live in the sticks, and I did not know if the opportunity to browse the racks and racks of clothing would present itself again any time soon. I made the decision to take the boys into the store with me, and then when I found a few items to try on, I made the decision to take them with me to the dressing room, too. Evan later told me that it was the most embarrassing day of his sweet young life. To make up for it, I took him to Old Navy to purchase his first University of Texas graphic tee. Yes, he has a bright orange Longhorn t-shirt that he is so very proud to wear. (He made me promise to never tell you, Vikki. He promises to keep his love for Texas a secret until he gets accepted.)

That leads me to Keagan's choice of graphic tee. He choose the Georgia Yellowjackets and swore up and down the Yellowjacket was really an Ohio State Buckeye. When I tried to explain to him that his yellow shirt had nothing to do with the red and silver of Ohio State, he finally acquiesced and said, "OK. So maybe the Yellow Jacket isn't in the Buckeye family, but it is the same species."

We plan another trip to the zoo at our four month doctor visit for some much needed reteaching.

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