Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Story Time with Pirates

Another Fort Stewart event...Library Story Time. This week we were to dress as pirates and come ready to hear stories related to pirates and treasure. Although he was picture perfect in his pirate themed costume, Evan refused to participate because he is "too big" for picture books. Keagan spent more time pretending to stab himself with his sword than actually listening to the stories. And I spent half an hour wondering if mothers with babies know that crying babies should be removed from a library - especially during story hour.

I think we were all wishing we were at home watching the end of the Germany/Spain semi-final game.

But alas it was craft time, and we escaped to the back corner so that Keagan could create a treasure map. He pondered long and hard.

Instead of creating a treasure map, Evan popped his Civil War gun at anyone who walked by. He received lots of "ooohs" and "aaahs" from other boys, and he pretended to not know any of us who actually participated in the craft. I caught this shot with the camera on my hip. He has mischief written all over his face, and my backside, no doubt, is his intended target.

Eventually, Keagan created a treasure map of the house where he planned to hide thing of extreme value (ie: Airheads). Never mind that the location of each Airhead is clearly identified in the map, and therefore, the act of hiding the candy is not really necessary.

With the map completed and the gun popped more than I count, we rushed home to see if the soccer game had run late. We were quick to hear that Germany had lost. Maybe going to the library wasn't that bad; none of us wanted to see our favorite team lose.

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