Oh, Target! How I have missed thee! Your bright flourescent
lighting. Your red and white aisle markers. Your dollar aisle. I was happy
today to swipe my card at your store. If you were just closer than a 47 minute
drive, my life in Georgia would be complete - well, almost complete. Somewhere
in the mix I need to add employment, church membership, and the eradication of
pawn shops on every corner of my current home of record. Then my life would be
We drove to Savannah today to meet with some friends of ours from Virginia. It has been on our calendar for three weeks, and I was giddy with anticipation awaiting the day we got to drive to the city. In case you are wondering, it met my every expectation. While there, we made our rounds to the book store, Target, a mall, and Home Depot. In other words, civilization. The boys had already forgotten that you can buy anything at Target. Thankfully, I did, too, and totally bypassed the carts upon entering the store. Otherwise, I would have purchased it all.
Despite the looks of sympathy I receive when I tell others where we live, Hinesville isn't all that bad; there are a few bright spots. For my own sanity let me make a quick list.
- We can drive to St Simon's Island in 56 minutes. I tried to persuade Wes that the commute from the island would be much like, maybe less, of a drive than what he had in DC, but he didn't go for it. Living on St Simons would be a total dream for me. TOTAL DREAM!
- We can swim every day because you never have to doubt that the temp might fall below 94 degrees. As a result, we have some awesome tans, and we can all swim a pretty mean breast stroke.
- Maria, Patrick, and Parker are willing to play with us when we are bored. We met them the first week we were here, and we all hit it off instantly. Friends like this are hard to find.
- National parks, state parks, and more parks. The heat and bugs don't keep us away -except for this week when the temp hovered at 110 and I felt certain the boys would melt into the cannons at Fort Jackson!
- Our house. I like it more and more every day. I will love it once our backyard doesn't resemble The Outer Banks.
Small town living isn't that bad, and when I am experiencing the withdrawls associated with the shortage of conveniences of city living, we can make the short drive to the wonderful city of Savannah. In just a few weeks soccer will have us there every weekend, and I will probably long for a weekend in our small lazy town.
We drove to Savannah today to meet with some friends of ours from Virginia. It has been on our calendar for three weeks, and I was giddy with anticipation awaiting the day we got to drive to the city. In case you are wondering, it met my every expectation. While there, we made our rounds to the book store, Target, a mall, and Home Depot. In other words, civilization. The boys had already forgotten that you can buy anything at Target. Thankfully, I did, too, and totally bypassed the carts upon entering the store. Otherwise, I would have purchased it all.
Despite the looks of sympathy I receive when I tell others where we live, Hinesville isn't all that bad; there are a few bright spots. For my own sanity let me make a quick list.
- We can drive to St Simon's Island in 56 minutes. I tried to persuade Wes that the commute from the island would be much like, maybe less, of a drive than what he had in DC, but he didn't go for it. Living on St Simons would be a total dream for me. TOTAL DREAM!
- We can swim every day because you never have to doubt that the temp might fall below 94 degrees. As a result, we have some awesome tans, and we can all swim a pretty mean breast stroke.
- Maria, Patrick, and Parker are willing to play with us when we are bored. We met them the first week we were here, and we all hit it off instantly. Friends like this are hard to find.
- National parks, state parks, and more parks. The heat and bugs don't keep us away -except for this week when the temp hovered at 110 and I felt certain the boys would melt into the cannons at Fort Jackson!
- Our house. I like it more and more every day. I will love it once our backyard doesn't resemble The Outer Banks.
Small town living isn't that bad, and when I am experiencing the withdrawls associated with the shortage of conveniences of city living, we can make the short drive to the wonderful city of Savannah. In just a few weeks soccer will have us there every weekend, and I will probably long for a weekend in our small lazy town.

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