Thursday, July 29, 2010

Advanced Swimmers

According to the local rec department, both boys are now advanced swimmers. I am certain that Swim Kids would differ, but both boys can do all four strokes now and both boys can definitely swim better than I can. That should count for something.

The biggest accomplishment, in my mind anyway, is Keagan's ability to do the backstroke the distance of the pool. After the rant about boys not being about to float, Keagan was determined to prove to the teacher that he could float and swim on his back. Unfortunately, he proved this the day the "boys can't float teacher" was absent from lessons, but I loved his tenacity. 

The haircut? Are you wondering if I tried to save a whole $7 and do it myself? We made a trip to the post barbershop, and I said a two but I forgot to say two on the sides. I almost cried, but with Evan poking and laughing, I put on the biggest fake smile and said it looked great. When a soldier next to us smirked and laughed, I gave him a look to kill. I think he thought the battlefields of Afghanistan would be more pleasant than his current place in line at the PX barbershop. Keagan, full of five year old wisdom, told me today, "I like the haircut, but if you don't, Mom, you don't need to worry. It will all grow back."

Evan learned the butterfly stroke this week, and because he can now do all four strokes, he has been invited to join the local swim team. Evan is about as eager to do this as he is to have a cavity filled. I guess this could change, though, because this week he told me that if he was like Deion Sanders and played two sports professionally, he was certain that he would choose soccer over football.

And Evan's lack of haircut is a direct result of Keagan's present haircut. He refused to get in the chair, and I agreed to let him go with his dad at his next bimonthly haircut. I am hesitant because Wes gets his haircut at a place called Ranger Joe's, and because that title has nothing to do with hair, and is instead all about the equipment and clothing worn in a war zone, I am fearful of the end result.

I must remember that it will grow back.

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