Saturday, July 3, 2010

Fort Morris

What better way to spend the July 4th holiday than at Fort Morris, the site of the 1779 battle between the Patriots and British? After the opening ceremonies and the flag raising ceremony, the boys participated in pre-Revolutionary War games, games that we are all fairly familiar with like spoon races and sack races. 

And there were games we were not as familiar. Like games that involve the chunking of hatches.

And I have been worried about the boys playing in the yard with toy guns.

When the four year old girl wanted to give it a try, you can rest assured we hid behind the closest tree. Her chunking was not predictable.

When Keagan threw the ax, the audience ooohed and awwwed. No one believed such a little guy could have such strength.

When Evan threw the hatchet, the people at the next game station, ran for the nearest tree. He threw it that far. All four times. He doesn't know "chunk softly."

For each activity, the boys earned gold doubloons. At the end of the tour, the boys traded their gold pieces for a prize. Keeping the tradition of colonial toys and traditional games, Keagan selected a gooey plastic worm and Evan selected a paddle ball set made in China.

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