Monday, August 31, 2009

Karma Got Me

I have suffered from debilitating migrains since I was eight. I can remember missing recess in the third grade because my head was throbbing. They were the worst about eight years ago when we lived in Kansas, and in the past year they have returned. This past week I had one for almost four days straight. On Friday it was horrible; probably one of the worst I have ever experienced.

After downing four Advils on the way to church (I was preparing myself for the all boy Sunday School class I was about to teach), I rubbed my temples and complained, "What have I done to deserve this pain?"

Evan looked at me and asked, "Mom, have you done anything bad lately?" Oh great! I thought. My son is going to suggest that my migrains are a result of my sins. He looked at me and said in all seriousness, "I was just going to say it might be Karma."

Thank you, Wise One.

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