Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Decisions, Decisions

Is it that time already? Oh, I almost cringed when I saw it in the mail when we got back from Texas. I thought, I hoped, this year might be different; that Keagan would have an easier time making the BIGGEST decision of the year. And I was almost in luck until the second copy of the same magazine arrived today. What caused the tears, the stomping around the living room, the whines, the sighs? Why what to wear for Halloween of course!

Keagan decided on August 12 he would be Wolverine. The sharp claws were obviously the reason for this choice. And when I heard nothing else about it for an entire week, I thought God had looked on me with favor and the decision was final. And then on August 20 he decided Indiana Jones was a better pick. Who wouldn't want to wear a cool hat and throw a whip at anything that moves? But that was not to remain the permanent choice. On August 25 he decided he would be a Special Forces, head-to-toe black-carrying-a-gun soldier. And when Wes vetoed that idea, he came up with Duke from GI Joe. However, he quickly debated this decision when he remembered that Duke "jumps farther and runs faster" and Keagan can "only run faster."

Some people might wonder why this is such a major ordeal. I wonder this myself - especially since I never liked Halloween or costumes as a kid. However, my boys have a costume collection that would rival any theatre's collection. And even though the boys have a multitude of costumes to wear, all of them, due to daily costume changes, are ripped, torn, missing a leg, or missing a crotch and just can't be worn in public. And so I must, as you can clearly see, purchase a new costume for Halloween. I have a coupon that must be used soon so Keagan's decision time is drawing near. I wonder how many more tears of frustration and indecisiveness will fall before the final decision is made.

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