Sunday, August 30, 2009

Church Couches

On our way to church on Sunday we drove by the huge church on Highway 234 that hosts the Gospel Service and has hundreds of people attending the late morning service. Evan commented on all the cars pulling into the parking lot of the huge church.
Keep in mind we attend a small church plant of maybe 60 attendees that meet in the cafetorium of an elementary school. Every week we convert the room into a sanctuary with a sound table, some plastic chairs, a podium, and a communion table. The differences between the two churches couldn't be greater. As we drove by the big church last Sunday Evan wondered aloud, "That is a really big church. I wonder if it has couches like Opa and Oma's church."
I sat through three stop lights before I realized "couches" meant pews. He wanted to know if the big church on the highway had cushioned seats as opposed to the uncomfortable blue plastic chairs that we use. I started to explain to him that most churches do have "couches", but he is already confused enough with the praise band at our church and the lack of instruments at the Church of Christ service in Texas so I let it go. 

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