Monday, August 24, 2009

Shenadoah Valley Hike

My parents arrived on Friday only to leave again on Monday. With only one full free day in our schedule, we decided to take a day trip to the Shenadoah Valley to hike. A friend of a friend wrote a guide book to hiking in the Valley, and we found a scenic, child friendly hike that seemed perfect for us. On the trail we found creepy crawlies, we picked blackberries, and we observed two deer. 

After 1.5 hours and 2.5 miles later, we made it to our goal. This is what we found.

The boys splashed in the very cold water while the adults sat back to watch. It was a very beautiful place.

And then it was time to hike the 2.5 miles, almost all uphill, back to the car. We only sufferred a couple of melt-downs, one insect bite, and one blister. However, even with all of this, the boys did remarkably well with such a difficult hike. 

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