Saturday, August 22, 2009

Let's Celebrate!

Today we celebrated Keagan's fifth birthday with a soccer themed party.

Party Goers - Evan looks especially thrilled to be in attendance

A girl I knew in Germany told me August was the worst month to have a birthday if you are a military child. One, most people are on vacation this month. And two, most families PCS in July and kids have no time to make new friends before it is time to celebrate. Thus far it has not posed too many problems for us because we have lived an unusually long time at one duty station. With many of the same friends in attendance as the last three parties, we celebrated Keagan's 5th birthday with a soccer party at an indoor soccer facility. The kids learned a few soccer skills, played a few games, and ate cake. In Keagan's eyes, it was the perfect way to celebrate. Thanks to all who came out on a rainy day to make it such a great day for Keagan!

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