Thursday, July 28, 2022

Sedona Day #3

Today we took the highly regarded Pink Jeep tour up Broken Arrow Trail. We could have walked it, but the Jeep was much more fun - and much easier. 

The views of the Red Rocks were great - unless you are Evan. Then “they are just rocks.”

Our tour guide let us have a little fun with the camera. Notice he did not choose Evan. This might have been intentional. 

We stopped at Submarine point for more pictures and more views. This is my favorite!

And then we headed back down the trail to Uptown. 

Wes and I took the boys back to the VRBO to sleep, and in an effort to beat the next storm, the two of us hiked Airport Mesa Trail. Parking lot #1 was filled with emergency vehicles as they were in the midst of rescuing a hiker on a stretcher. I wondered what we were about to get into, but we trekked on to parking lot #2 and got started on the rocky trail. 

The view at the top allowed us to see all of the Red Rocks at once. However, the energy from the vortex did nothing for me but make me sleepy. The warm sun. The cool rocks. I could have taken a nap. I feel jipped that I didn’t feel my spirit soar or get to take advantage of heightened spiritual awareness or feel the mystical energy promised by all of the print material.

The storms can be heard in the distance. It won’t be long before the rains arrive.  There isn’t much to do indoors when it rains. Maybe I can talk the boys into having our palms read or have our aura pictures taken. Or not. Maybe we can just stretch out and rest until it blows over. 

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