Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Sedona Day #2

Today’s morning hike took us to the Instagram worthy pictures taken at Devil’s Bridge. We hiked the Dry Creek Bed Trail (and this time the expression on Evan’s face is indicative of how he feels - he’s not into rocks or early mornings or combinations of these two). 

About 3/4 of the way we took a water break and thought we had some beautiful views…

until we reached the apex of the trail and found Devil’s Bridge. 

Going the two miles down the mountain was harder because you had to brace yourself to keep from slipping down the steep, smooth rocks. The sun burned through the clouds, too, so the temp was a bit warmer. However, I will not complain! The temps today are a good 20 degrees cooler than what they were last week. 

After lunch, we window shopped in town at Tlaquepaque. This super cute shopping district screams Mexico with the stucco, colorful tile work, and bronze art work. The fountains, flowers, and fauna made this stop a favorite because all of the colors differed so much from the natural landscape. 

Another stop took us to an eclectic shopping area that included hand-made art work and a greenhouse filled with succulents. 

After a “mid-Mexican meal”, Evan and I walked off our ceviche at Mystic Trail. 

Day 2 is in the books. We have already done so much and have seen so much that I feel like we have been here a week. 

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