Monday, July 25, 2022

Let’s Go!

Wes got a performance bonus in June. Younger, more practical Kacey would have paid ahead on the mortgage. Older, more time conscious Kacey said, “Let’s take a trip - we are only getting older and who knows how much longer we will be able to do the fun stuff!” This week Wes is getting to check off the Grand Canyon from his bucket list, and I’m finally able to see Antelope Canyon. The boys are along for the ride, but clearly they are “not into rocks.” Sedona is our home base for the week. Here is the view from our VRBO patio.

Our original flight for Sunday was canceled, but by a miracle and some deep digging through the available flight options, we got the same direct flight on Monday. Relieved to be in the air, we soon learned we were arriving in the middle of monsoon season and the slot canyons are closed due to flooding. And here I was worried about the heat! The temps are mild, and we are going to be thankful it is not 100 degrees like it was last week. However, I’m crossing my fingers we get into the slot canyons on Wednesday.

Once we secured our rental car, our first stop was Montezuma Castle, a five story 20 room house built by the Sinagua farmers in the year 1100. This is all you can see today. 

This is not exactly what I had in mind when I envisioned Southwest cliff dwellings, and certainly no match for the Incan ruins we saw in June, but it is still fascinating. 

From here we drove to the old mining town of Jerome. 

It is considered a ghost town with haunted buildings that have been renovated into art galleries, wineries, and restaurants. Quirky is the best word to describe it. This outhouse wishing well was its most unique feature. 

We had lunch here, walked Main Street, window shopped, and had ice cream. The brown rocks, cacti, and withering plants are not beautiful to my eyes, so this corner of green was a welcomed site.

The 3:45 wake up means we all needed naps! I’m hoping to bike ride, hike, eat, explore, and soak up this last week of summer vacation - even if we are hit with monsoon rains. So rest up boys! You gotta be able to hang with Mom. 

Getting the boys up at 4:00 was no easy task, but we loaded them in the car for the .5 mile ride to Chapel of the Holy Cross. 

The views were spectacular! We took a short mile hike on Chapel Trail to get closer views of Two Sisters and Twin Buttes. 

Tomorrow I have two more hikes on the agenda, so the boys get to see even more rocks! 

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