Saturday, July 16, 2022

College Road Trip 2022

Keagan and I hit the road today headed East; our week of college school visits starts now. I got in the car today and jokingly said, “This will be smooth sailing! We won’t see any round abouts this week.” Would you know we found the only round about in North Carolina while looking for a gas station! 

Stop #1 was Maryville, a D3 school 15 min from Knox. The new field’s grass looked great, and the campus itself was much more modern than I had envisioned. I would have preferred a formal tour but summer tours are limited. It appeared money was being funneled into athletic improvements, so this school is a contender.

Stop #2 was Gardner-Webb; this is a D1 school in Boiling Spring. We drove by it last summer and we didn’t think much of it. It’s in the sticks - so far out my phone dropped its signal. Today we saw the backside of campus and it was actually very beautiful. The sports facilities were nice, too. This school was also added to our list of possible choices.

Tomorrow we see two more schools. 

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