Monday, July 18, 2022

Camp Sitings

I had big plans of doing only my favorite things while Keagan is down the street playing soccer. I went to the gym, had breakfast at the hotel, and then headed to the outdoor pool to read. Who could possibly be at the Hampton Inn pool at 1000? As it turns out, a lot of people, and they had no intentions of sitting quietly while reading either. My time here was short-lived, but my hotel room is not quiet either. The middle aged couple next door is in town visiting family, and when they return to the room, I hear a recap of all of the family drama. There is no shortage of drama from the wive’s perspective either! I’m betting the man-next- door’s wife and brother duke it out before the family reunion ends. 

I left the room to peruse Target for the second time this week, and after a late lunch, I headed to the fields to watch camp game #1. I’ve watched ID camp scrimmages many times. Despite the differences in location, some things don’t change. For instance, everyone knew Keagan’s name, but Keagan refers to everyone by their jersey number. He knew no names. He never does, but he can tell you their dominant foot, their cleat color, and their hair style. Every. Time. 

Here’s another camp constant: He had a foul called on him. He claimed it was all ball. But that face doesn’t look like all ball. 

Portugal won the first game, but there was no celebration. After almost six hours of soccer in the sun, the boys were toast. 

Portugal won game #2 as well. I thought Keagan played better in this game, but it was also fifteen degrees cooler. 

After the game, he met me on the sidelines to say the food is good, he’s very tired, and his roommate went home with a broken toe. 

I really don’t see how these guys can continue to play at this level and this same pace for another three days! I have said so many prayers of gratitude that my boy is still able to play.

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