Here we are barreling into the last few days of summer break. I’m trying to milk every last minute of it. Two months ago I registered Keagan for an ID camp in North Carolina. Over time, the weekend camp morphed into a road trip filled with college tours, soccer, and site seeing. Road trips with Keagan are the best! Today was day one.
We hate long car rides (not sure how Keagan could consider attending any schools in North Carolina since they require long car rides but here we are), so we drove part of the way today and stopped in Pigeon Forge for the night. It’s important to note that we have never enjoyed visiting this place due to the crowds, traffic, and long lines, but we decided to try to look upon the place with fresh eyes and give it one more go.
First, we shopped for Christmas trees at the Christmas Place. My friend got a heck of a deal last summer on a new tree. Nothing makes me happier than bargains and I’ve been so excited about possibly finding my own tree deal, but despite advertisements of big sales, none of the trees were on sale. I couldn’t fathom forking over $800 for a tree - even if it was beautiful and far exceeds the Lowe’s tree we have had for twenty years that only has 2/3 of the lights working. We decided to keep our Charlie Brown tree for now. Strike 1.
We had dinner at the highly recommended Blue Moose. Although dinner was good and we only had to wait 20 minutes to be seated, the monkeys we were promised to see were put away due to extreme heat. Strike 2.
We wrapped up our night attending a comedy show on the strip. I’m pretty sure we were in attendance with every Redneck in town. But we attended the show in a barn, so I guess that was expected. Laughs were shared and we all left the show “as one big family.”

On our way back to the hotel, I asked Keagan to snap pics of our favorite places on the strip. These pics had us rolling. We laughed harder at this than we did at the comedy show.

The super imposed dashboard above the Ferris wheel is an unexpected plus.

The off centered vantage point works with this shot.

I said, “Make sure you get the gorilla!” He just barely made that happen.

Luckily he plays soccer better than he takes pictures from moving cars.

When we got to the tattoo shop, Keagan said he would totally be down for getting non-permanent matching tattoos of doves. I told him I didn’t think they did rub on tats with paper towels and water, but if they did, there’s no one else I’d want to wear my matching dove.
We got to the hotel and our room smells like feet. Strike 3. I think we can agree we are not fans of the area. Tomorrow we have college visit #1.