Tuesday, May 11, 2021

This Day in Review

The news of a possibility of a shortage in gas just reached my family today. I texted the boys to tell them to fill up since gas prices are rising. I paid almost $3 a gallon this morning. Evan texted me back. “If gas goes up to $6 a gallon, then we better buy some damn bikes.” He then proceeded to text the soccer team group chat and advised all the boys to fill up since “Sleepy Joe let this one get past him.” 

Speaking of soccer. We played Northwest in the district tournament’s semi-final game tonight and won 6-0. Keagan had two assists with two beautiful free kicks perfectly placed in the box. We play in the district championship against Northeast Thursday night. 

Evan took his AP Spanish exam today. He texted me at lunch to say, “I definitely failed. I was totally lost.” (This happens when only three of the six units are covered.) He’s now taken two of his three AP tests. Friday will be the last test. 

Tonight was senior awards night. Evan did not want to attend, but I told him we were going anyway. The game caused us to arrive to the ceremony as everyone else was leaving. Evan literally arrived in uniform while the other students were dressed in Sunday clothes. He was awarded the Volunteer Service Pin for completing more than 80 hours of volunteer work during his high school career. 

He’s thrilled. Can’t you tell? 

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