Sunday, May 16, 2021

After Prom

Evan was not thrilled with the idea of going to another prom. He wanted to work and make big money at a local tournament. He didn’t want to wear a tux (and I wasn’t thrilled about spending $300 for a tux that he would wear for three hours). So the kids didn’t go. Instead, they met some friends for late night takeout and a dip in the pool. At midnight they made their way to After Prom at the high school where they ate, played, and ate some more.

Evan surprised himself when he did a couple of flips on the bungee trampoline. 

At the raffle, Evan won a Yeti cooler. He put all of his raffle tickets in on this prize to increase his chances of winning. It worked. He says he plans to use it on fishing trips to store the fish he catches. 

At 3:30 in the morning we took one last picture from “The Last Tour.” Then we headed home and to bed. 

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