Thursday, May 20, 2021

Senior Walk

Today the seniors crossed the street to walk the halls of the elementary and middle schools for the annual Senior Walk. Each graduating senior wore his graduation gown and under it a shirt that announced his future plans. Evan wore a bright orange UTK shirt that clashed with the red gown something fierce. His gown was not ironed and it still needs to be hemmed, but hey, he got to school and walked. Right now that’s about all any of us is capable of doing. We are dog tired from Saturday night’s all nighter at After Prom and Monday’s late night drive back home from Memphis, and we are in survival mode trying to complete make up work, settle accounts, and complete projects around the house.

It always makes for an impressive sea of red as the students take the corner where the three schools meet. 

Evan only spent his fifth grade year at our local elementary school, and his favorite middle school teachers are no longer at the middle school. He didn’t find much worth in the tradition except it kept him out of class for the morning. 

The reality of graduation looming ahead of us still escapes me. I’ve got to plan a party and host 50 guests in less than a week. This is all I can process right now. 

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