Thursday, May 13, 2021

Another Day in Review

Evan received his first graduation gift last week and wrote his thank you card tonight after practice. He’s done this before, but the thank you cards usually get placed in a larger envelope with pictures that I then address. He did fine with the card, but he didn’t know how to address the envelope. We had a mini-lesson on how to write snail mail addresses. 

At OT I had a benchmark today on the rowing machine. And I crushed it! My goal going into class was to beat my time by 30 seconds. I beat it by 79 seconds! Progress! 

Keagan completed OSHA certification for level 1 of his health science program. I asked what this meant, and he said he doesn’t know. He was too caught up in FIFA to have a conversation. (I love how he spends his free time in his Hefner robe.) 

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