Monday, June 11, 2018

Your Calculations are Off

Last fall I noticed while driving at night the street signs appeared blurry. This spring I had a hard time identifying my own son on the soccer field. So I decided I might need to pick up a pair of glasses - just so I can see things in the distance more clearly. I went to my appointment today and the newly graduated doctor told me my eyesight was so poor, I am barely able to drive without glasses. Then he proceeded to tell me that my ability to see close up was compromised. He said since I’ve “turned 20 years old twice” I can be expected to have bad eye sight. It comes with “old age.” This was not something I didn’t already know. However, I was floored when he suggested I invest in a pair of bifocals! I told him he needed to recalculate his numbers and get back with me.

Bifocals at 44. 

He then tried to explain to me what bifocals were as if my mental capacity had been compromised as well! I took the Rx for distance and wished him a good day. 

Now I better get those new glasses before June 20 so I can clearly see the Regional games in North Carolina.

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