Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Sweat Lodge

My AC is out. It’s 3:30 and the temp in my house is 86 degrees. I’m sweating just sitting. We can’t sleep, can’t cook, or even be civil to one another because of the heat. Oh, dear God, the heat. Since I spent all of my summer fun money on carpet cleaning, carpenter bees, eye glasses, and a dog, I’ve decided to use my house as a sweat lodge. I plan to charge $10 for anyone who wants to sweat a pound or two off today. I guarantee quick weight loss - fewer than 15 min. If you are short on time, I will be happy to have you sweep up dog hair and you should be less a pound in five minutes - seven minutes top.

Misery loves company. Ready. Set. Sweat.

1 comment:

  1. I can relate..ours went out while was at Amy's...and of course your father in law did not notice it was 89 in the house..ugh..we have someone coming today.
