Saturday, June 9, 2018


This is Ryker last Thursday night. Less than 24 hours later he was hit by a car when he ran out the front door. The boys were beside themselves with grief and guilt. We were told the injuries to his chest cavity were so great he probably wouldn’t survive the night without someone monitoring the internal bleeding. Wes took him to Nashville to see an emergency vet. He was able to stabilize Ryker. On Saturday the doctor told us the swelling would continue and that Ryker would have even a harder time making it through another day. When we visited on Saturday, Ryker did not recognize us. The pain meds were coursing through his veins and he barely had the energy to hold his head up. Ryker defied the odds and survived the trauma with the swelling and bleeding. We visited on Sunday and his tail wagged when he saw us. He was clearly doing much better. On Monday the doctor inserted a pin/plate to rebuild his broken femur. Tuesday night he came home.

Less than a week after surgery and he’s walking again. He even tried to chase the cat today. I never imagined I would spend my summer convalescing a dog. But here I am...

Vacation in December will be spent at Edgewater Lane. 😂

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