Sunday, May 27, 2018

The Road to State

How quickly our dreams at a run for state we’re dashed! 

Here’s the hour long game in summary. They scored. We tied. We fouled in the box. They scored on a PK. We missed three shots. They got a hand ball in the box. We got a PK. We missed. We lost. Heartbreak!

We can’t wait until August to play again, so we are playing 3v3 on Saturday. It’s a chance at winning again - just not winning state. 


One of the biggest days in Evan’s life, Wes takes this pic AND seems to not mind the hair. At all. And I can’t think of anything or see anything but the hair. 

My boy is behind the wheel after passing the test on his first attempt. Everyone in Tennessee knows passing is a big deal but passing after only one try is rare. 

Drivers Ed begins in July!

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Soccer Banquet

“When you have to preface a sentence with ‘I probably shouldn’t say this,’ you should just keep your mouth shut.” 

I said this at PD a couple of weeks ago when our trainer made some snarky comments to the teachers and prefaced her mean words with “I probably shouldn’t say this.” My team said it was golden advice that we teach our students almost daily but rarely think about when we ourselves are disgruntled. 

I’m taking my own advice today. I’m keeping my mouth shut about school soccer. 

The highschool soccer banquet was last night - even though our season continues. The first year players came home with pins - not Varsity letters.

Evan and Bodie, freshmen teammmates 

Freshmen players

The team plays in state tonight. A win secures a spot in the semi-final game on Wednesday. 

Friday, May 18, 2018

Field Day

These kids have earned the bragging rights as the Tug-of-War and Mega Relay Champions at the seventh grade field day. I asked Keagan what he ran, and he told me he didn’t feel like running today. I said, huh? And then he proceeded to explain he was being nice and let the other boys run. While they ran, he competed in a basketball/passing game with his friend Aubrey. Um hum. Just out of the goodness of your heart you let them run while you hung out with a girl. 

(That’s my boy in the middle with the great haircut. He didn’t like the short hair on Saturday, but when he got to school on Monday and the girls commented how great it looked, it was suddenly the best haircut.)

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Region 7-AAA Champions

With a final score of 2-1 over our biggest rival and after one of the best games I’ve had the pleasure of watching, Rossview comes home as the Regional Champions! The score was 0-1 at half, but the boys came out attacking the second half and scored two goals rather quickly. I’ve never seen this team play with so much passion! Today’s win over CHS gives the school its first regional championship. This weekend we continue play at sectionals with home field advantage.

Third Place

The boys did it! With a decisive win, the middle school team finished in third.

Second place last year and third place this year means we must get first place next spring. So long middle school ball.

Monday, May 14, 2018

On the Road to Regionals

After a second place finish in district, the high school soccer team began regional play against a high school in Memphis. The boys went to school for half a day and then made the four hour drive west. Evan was the only freshman to make the trip.

I didn’t drive to Memphis because “freshman don’t play varsity.” Eight hours in a car and eight hours with eighteen eight year olds is too much - even for me- in one day. I skipped the road trip and watched Keagan in his semi-final game instead. 

Imagine my shock when I received a text from a friend that she had taken pics of Evan on the field. He was playing in a varsity *regional* game and I was missing it! And he was playing in the midfield.

We left West Tennessee with a win and a secured spot in sectionals. I was so excited for Evan that I didn’t bat an eye at having to pick him up from the school at midnight. 

Third Place Has Never Looked Better

Middle school soccer is always full of surprises. You can always count on a parent who doesn’t know soccer, but tonight we had an irrate parent from the opposing team run onto the field during the game! Good heavens! I was speechless. Not five minutes later another parent was kicked off the sidelines. I have no idea what would have happened if our game meant something more than third place. I wisely announced, “This is 13 year old, middle school rec soccer that has no bearing on your child’s life. Chill.” Everyone greatly appreciated my pearls of wisdom - especially the dad who was taking the walk of shame around the field and to the parking lot.

We won 2-1. 

Keagan vs Angel. With his new haircut, I didn’t recognize Keagan on the field. I kept cheering for Christian when the mom next to me finally said, “That’s your kid!”

Keagan won that series. 

And this one. 

Wednesday we wrap up the middle school season with the consolation game for third place. (We sure did have to play a lot of games to only get third.)

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Counting the Days

 We are officially counting down the days until we are back on the pitch with these guys. We met for pizza, a game or two of ping pong, kickball, volleyball, and Fortnight. Anything but the game they love because we don’t want to jeopardize any high school playoff hopes. A loss on Monday puts Evan back with these guys!

Thursday, May 10, 2018

High School Playoffs

This freshman got varsity minutes in our semi-final district championship game. I was working the gate the first half when another parent texted me that Evan was on the field. I jumped up and headed straight to the stands. It was not his best game; Evan says his skills have regressed. However, he has secured the varsity letter. 

The tongue. Always. ❤️

Monday night the team heads to Memphis for a district playoff game. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Middle School Soccer Playoffs

Our first playoff game of the middle school season was rained out, and we were given a new date that just so happened to be the date of the travel teams’ state league games. With two of our key players at state league, our “easy” win resulted in two OTs, PKs, and then a big fat L! The year we were to win it all has almost ended in heart ache! Our loss meant we fell into the losers bracket. We won our first game in the You-won’t-get-first-anyway playoff game.

Wednesday night we played a quarter-final game - clearly hoping our losing season will get us on track for a third place finish. 

Look at this guy! He didn’t see the reason to play for third; I did my best to convince him otherwise. It’s tough being the parent of super competitive boys who believe winning is all. 

He saw things differently when he scored the first goal of the game. When Tristan said he had scores a trash goal, Keagan said, “Who cares? A goal is a goal.” 

He has played CDM as a holding mid on the far right side of the field almost the entire season. Jandro yelled tonight, “Keagan, for once this season play in the center of the field.” He did and then set up the second goal of the game.

Monday we head back to the fields for a semi-final game. Go Hawks!

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Soccer, Soccer, Soccer

High school soccer #38, middle school soccer #14, and travel soccer #13.  March and April have been busy. Evan is counting the days until his travel season resumes on May 14. He’s actually hoping the highschool team will lose so that he won’t miss travel practice.