Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Middle School Soccer Playoffs

Our first playoff game of the middle school season was rained out, and we were given a new date that just so happened to be the date of the travel teams’ state league games. With two of our key players at state league, our “easy” win resulted in two OTs, PKs, and then a big fat L! The year we were to win it all has almost ended in heart ache! Our loss meant we fell into the losers bracket. We won our first game in the You-won’t-get-first-anyway playoff game.

Wednesday night we played a quarter-final game - clearly hoping our losing season will get us on track for a third place finish. 

Look at this guy! He didn’t see the reason to play for third; I did my best to convince him otherwise. It’s tough being the parent of super competitive boys who believe winning is all. 

He saw things differently when he scored the first goal of the game. When Tristan said he had scores a trash goal, Keagan said, “Who cares? A goal is a goal.” 

He has played CDM as a holding mid on the far right side of the field almost the entire season. Jandro yelled tonight, “Keagan, for once this season play in the center of the field.” He did and then set up the second goal of the game.

Monday we head back to the fields for a semi-final game. Go Hawks!

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