Sunday, October 27, 2013

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner

We played eight soccer games this weekend. EIGHT! If someone had told me ten years ago that I would spend my weekends on random soccer fields across the southeast attending soccer tournaments, I would have laughed. First, ten years ago I knew nothing about soccer and found chasing a ball to the far corners of the field rather dull. Second, I would have never believed you if you had told me I would have boys that played anything but baseball. But here we are. It's funny how Life throws out the unexpected and you find that you wouldn't want it any other way.

This weekend will be remembered as one heck of a weekend for more than one reason.

1. I have never had to pull my dad off the soccer field. Today I did. I've decided that I will invest in a kiddie harness and make my dad wear it at all future games so that I can pull him in when he begins to get out of control with his referee "advice."

2. One of Keagan's games went into overtime. I had three mini-heart attacks as the boys had three shots on goals that missed landing in the net by only centimeters. And then Keagan crossed the ball across the front of the goal to find the perfect shot. And voila! We won in sudden death.

3. I pulled my hamstring and calf muscle almost two years ago while cheering on the sidelines of the soccer field. But today I have some how pulled stomach muscles. All of that screaming did me in - or maybe it was the work-out I experienced dragging my dad off the soccer field that did it. I guess this means that I now must add stomach crunches to my pre-game stretching routine.

4. Evan got in a fight in the middle of a game, and I almost died of embarrassment. The other player, who started the incident, was ejected from the game. Evan got so mad that I thought for sure we were headed down some dark road never to return.

5. We experienced kettle corn for the first time this weekend. Now I must lament the fact that it will be at least four months before our next tournament and thus our next bag of kettle corn.

6. Evan was hit on today. A group of girls were hanging out at an adjacent field, saw Evan walk by, and said rather boldly, "Well, hello! Where have you been all my life?" Evan never heard them and continued on his way completely oblivious.

7. Most importantly, both boys' teams won first place, and because we really know how to celebrate, we took the boys to a fast food joint for chicken dinners.

Tomorrow's laryngitis will totally be worth it!

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