Saturday, October 19, 2013

Game Day

When the fall soccer schedule was released in early August, we were excited to find we had one Saturday free of games. We couldn't believe our luck when we learned it happened to be the same weekend Georgia was playing in town.

After a late night last night, we were up at o'dark thirty this morning ready to drive back to the city for some SEC football. We walked through Vandy's campus on our way to the stadium, and I was immediately transported to the Chi Delt House (aka "The Cave) circa 1995 with the smell of beer permeating the air, the random music, and the yards strewn with beer cans. Students were out partying at ten in the morning as if they had never gone to sleep the night before. Keagan asked what was going on, and Wes tried to explain that they were celebrating Game Day. Keagan said, "Shouldn't they be studying instead of fooling around?"

I will remember this comment; it will serve me well in about ten years.

We arrived just in time to sit in the cold rain and watch the warm up drills. The bad weather didn't bother Evan. He was totally in his element - soaking up both of the schools' traditions and the details of the pre-game prep.

Perhaps the final score was not what we had in mind, and only a skeleton of the team we watched in Georgia last year remained on the field today, but we will definitely be back to Vanderbilt to watch another game. It was way too much fun, even in the rain, to not go back. Anchor down? What in the world does that mean? If nothing else, I must go back to try to solve that puzzle. It's a good excuse, anyway.

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