Monday, October 7, 2013

The Defense was Pathetic

Wes and I took the boys to a local high school football game on Friday night. We found seats in a section that we later learned was reserved for the middle school football team. This would have been uneventful save the fact that we were surrounded by middle-schoolers. Wes looked at me and asked, "What's wrong with these kids?" I responded, "They have each consumed a half dozen Mountain Dews, another half dozen of Dr. Peppers, an economy sized box of Air Heads, and one hot dog apiece." I was shaking just watching them consume so much sugar, and they of course were in the middle of sugar seizures. Midway through the game I looked at Evan and without uttering a word, he said, "Don't worry, Mom. I will never act that way." I nodded in agreement fully understanding that it will my boy who will pull out apple slices and a handful of grapes as he cheers on his future alma-mater.

At half time we struck up a conversation with the school's AP and AD because a half time show consisting of tiki torches and the flag corp just doesn't do anything for us. We shared some stories and then feeling fully comfortable with the AP who I had now known for a full fifteen minutes, I offered some advice. "You really need to find a new defensive coordinator." He was clearly shocked with my bluntness so I tried to smooth it all over by stating, "Don't feel like you need to rush because you've got three years to get something new in place before my older son reaches your school." He laughed, but I didn't. He then wanted to know how I knew so much about football and I simply stated, "I am from Texas." And then he understood and he told me he had every intention of looking for a new defensive coordinator. I considered my advice my good deed for the weekend.

We got a game of soccer in on Saturday night. Evan's team won 2 to 1 and we had planned to return on Sunday for another round. The rain got in our way, though, and we ended up spending the full day watching football and lounging on the couch. This break was definitely in order; next weekend we are back on the road with six games to play.

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