Friday, October 18, 2013

Guilty Surprise

Two weeks ago I had fall break, and I spent the week reading, researching and writing a paper for a class I am taking. This week the boys had fall break, and they spent the day at day camp at the Y while I was at work. I was feeling very guilty for not being able to spend the week with them, so I did the next best thing. I found something on our bucket list and made it happen. I bought the four of us tickets to see Luke Bryan and Florida Georgia Line.

It's true that I paid way too much money. It's true that we sat so high up that I had vertigo and had to sit rigid in my seat for the first half hour before my body could acclimate to the altitude change. It's true that Wes left work at 1430 so that he could take a nap before the concert because 1030 is what 0200 was for us twenty years ago. But boy did we have fun!

We told Keagan that we bought tickets to see Disney on Ice.This was perhaps a fairly cruel thing to do because he has mentioned several times that he really wants to see some big names in country music perform live on stage. He didn't bat an eye or do anything to act the least bit disappointed, though, when I happily announced our big surprise included ice skates and Disney princesses. (Let me remind you that he is the best!) On our way to the show, I eventually told him the truth, and he couldn't believe his good fortune. He shed a joyous tear or two. Relieved it wasn't ice skating or excited it was Luke Bryan? It was probably a bit of both.

First up was Florida Georgia Line. I loved their performance, but I also love their music.

It was so loud. So very loud. After this performance, Evan had had enough. He plugged his ears with his fingers and attempted a nap. A NAP!!! I can't even begin to understand. Even when Luke took the stage, he feigned sleep.

 Keagan, on the other hand, sang every song. He was completely in his element - even as the clock ticked closer to 10:30. He was still talking about it this morning.

Our bucket list now includes a new list of must-sees. I should feel guilty more often.

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