It's officially summer vacation. We woke up and did the summer time dance and then did what anyone would do. We hit the beach!
The boys attempted to snorkel. It didn't matter that the only thing they saw was the backside of some big waves.
There was lots of running and playing chase in the water.
And lots of brotherly love.
I refuse to say this trip was another last for us. It absolutely must happen again, sooner rather than later.
Five years later we have grown to love Tennessee as much as our home state of Texas. Our adventures as a military family continue in the land made famous for country music and hot chicken. As much as our lives have changed with our twenty plus years in the military, much remains the same. We spend our weekends playing soccer, our winters on the beach, and our holidays with family.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Monday, May 27, 2013
My parents spent the long holiday weekend with us. They had to see one last soccer tournament, eat some fried shrimp, and convert my boys. You see, my dad has a passion for baseball. The boys do not. However, for the past five days I have found Evan in the backyard wearing my old softball glove playing catch with my dad.
Converted? I think another immersion is required for full effect, but after a full weekend of sorting toys, purging closets, and some tough yard work, my parents may think twice about visiting us again. Even if baseball is included.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Another Last
Another last...This weekend was the last soccer tournament wearing the blue Storm jersey.
It's really hard walking away from something that you have invested so much time and energy, but after our last game on Sunday, the boys didn't look back. They have become pros at this month of lasts. They are anxiously awaiting bigger and better things in Tennessee. Namely, winning.
It's really hard walking away from something that you have invested so much time and energy, but after our last game on Sunday, the boys didn't look back. They have become pros at this month of lasts. They are anxiously awaiting bigger and better things in Tennessee. Namely, winning.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Farewell Friends
Today was not just the last day of the school; it was also the boys' last day of school in Georgia. Although I felt the teachers were top notch and some of the hardest working teachers I have ever known, this school exposed my boys to a way of life that was so different from our own. The diversity in the student population was perhaps the most obvious difference, but there were socio-economic differences that often left Evan asking more questions that I had answers. Both boys returned home almost weekly with stories that were just down right depressing, and yet, we continued going to school each day wondering what new event would spark an even sadder story.
Keagan had a hard time saying good-bye to his best friends. Last night he wrote notes to each of them and included his email address and phone number in hopes that they might keep in touch.
Every part of me wanted to box up the little guy in white and take him with us to Tennessee. These boys have been together since kindergarten and have so many wonderful memories together. The two have absolutely nothing in common except a gentle spirit and a willingness to look beyond stereotypes.
As you may have guessed, Evan was much less sentimental about saying good-bye. He said he had one friend he wished to stay in contact with.
This school has been such an unique experience for us. I almost feel guilty for trying so hard to find a house at our next duty station in the "perfect" neighborhood.
Be good to us Tennessee. We anxiously await our next unique experience...whatever that may be...
Keagan had a hard time saying good-bye to his best friends. Last night he wrote notes to each of them and included his email address and phone number in hopes that they might keep in touch.
Every part of me wanted to box up the little guy in white and take him with us to Tennessee. These boys have been together since kindergarten and have so many wonderful memories together. The two have absolutely nothing in common except a gentle spirit and a willingness to look beyond stereotypes.
As you may have guessed, Evan was much less sentimental about saying good-bye. He said he had one friend he wished to stay in contact with.
This school has been such an unique experience for us. I almost feel guilty for trying so hard to find a house at our next duty station in the "perfect" neighborhood.
Be good to us Tennessee. We anxiously await our next unique experience...whatever that may be...
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Big Win #2
Big win #2 took place today. Evan came home with all kinds of certificates, awards, dog tags, and ribbons. Evan won the Language Arts Award, and after two years of winning the Reading award, it was nice to see him win something different. He also won the AR contest, the big Kahuna of all of the awards because money is awarded.
The boy is smart, athletic, and a good sport. I am so very lucky to be his mama.
Big wins meant big money so after school we headed straight for the store. I survived the battle of Toy Aisle Indecisiveness, but I knew what lay before me and chose my shoes wisely. The flip flops and I decided a car full of toys and games would make for a smooth transition to the barbershop, the only place Evan hates more than the dentist office.
Well played, Mama. Well played.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
The Big Win
After almost six weeks, I was finally able to wear a pair of heels to work. I can't tell you how much I have missed those Toms wedges, or how boring it can be to wear flip flops every single hour of every single day for 41 days! Oh, to be able to walk with no pain AND to do it in a cute pair of shoes! I can't even begin to explain how relieved I am to have survived another torn muscle. Remember that race I promised on the last day of school? Yeah, that's a no-go. I can't fathom trying to run...yet.
Although my progress with my sports injury is big news in my mind, I am even more excited to celebrate Keagan's big win. He won the Accelerated Reading Contest for the third year in a row!
His teacher told him all year he had another win in him and pushed him by sending home stacks of books to read. I thought I had all I could possibly stand of Flat Stanley and his flat adventures until Captain Underpants came onto the scene. That series took twaddle to a whole different level!
Awards Day has always been the highlight of the school year, namely because of the big prizes, but it also affirms (for mother and son) that all of our hard work pays off in the end. In addition to certificates, dog tags, ribbons, and medals, Keagan came home with a $50 gift card.
Although my progress with my sports injury is big news in my mind, I am even more excited to celebrate Keagan's big win. He won the Accelerated Reading Contest for the third year in a row!
His teacher told him all year he had another win in him and pushed him by sending home stacks of books to read. I thought I had all I could possibly stand of Flat Stanley and his flat adventures until Captain Underpants came onto the scene. That series took twaddle to a whole different level!
Awards Day has always been the highlight of the school year, namely because of the big prizes, but it also affirms (for mother and son) that all of our hard work pays off in the end. In addition to certificates, dog tags, ribbons, and medals, Keagan came home with a $50 gift card.
Let the Battle of Toy Aisle Indecisiveness begin. As Little Bit debates the usefulness of another basketball, the excitement of a Skylander action figure, and the cool factor of a Corvette model car, you'll find me on the shoe aisle, right next to the house shoes. Those super cute wedges may have done me in.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Art Show
It's that time again. Time for the annual art show.The boys were less than thrilled when I wrote the event on the calendar. They made up every excuse as to why we should not attend. They almost convinced me until I heard the third round of arguments, and then curiosity got the better of me.
Evan told me I would laugh when I saw his self-portrait. I admit I giggled when he told me he got too much red paint on the mouth, it smeared, and now looked like he had a great big birth mark on his cheek. My giggle turned into a laugh when he told me I might confuse his picture for a giraffe because he miscalculated the size of the neck. Then he told me the football he drew in the corner to symbolize his favorite hobby actually looked more like a pork chop. We laughed and laughed about the artwork that he described and I envisioned in my mind's eye.
It wasn't until tonight, though, that I realized the project was modeled after the work of Frida Kahlo and her collection of self-portraits. I think he mastered the concept of surrealism - even if it was unintended. I can't wait to frame it and add it to my art wall - birth mark, pork chop, and all.
Keagan's class studied the Tree of Life. The second grade wall was covered in trees of all shapes and sizes. However, Keagan had no idea which was his. Or so he claimed. I told him he would sit on the bench at Saturday's soccer game if he didn't get his picture taken with his mural. I got the picture but no smile.
When we got home, he finally admitted that his tree was hanging on the wall. He thankfully stood right next to it when his picture was taken. (His is on the top row, second from the left.) I love the swirly q's, the bright green paint, and the eyes he placed in the center of the paper. It, too, will hang on the art wall.
I take back everything I have ever said about my boys and art because I now have an entire wall of my house filled with framed works that they have painstakingly created since we have been in Georgia. I love every single one of them.
Every. Single. One. of. Them.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Special Order
True conversation.
K: Mom, when I get braces I want the letters OKC on my teeth in blue. It has to make a pattern. First, the O. Then the K. Then the C.
Me: Well, I think it will depend on the artistic skills of the dentist. Not every dentist can twist wire to form the letter K. That's a difficult letter to form, ya know?
K: Okay. Well, then I will go for the colors green and black or something else cool like that. It has to be something that matches with black.
Sometimes I wonder how he could belong to me.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Mother's Day Promise
Keagan will tell anyone that his goal is to play in the NBA one day. It makes no difference to him that he doesn't fit the profile of a typical NBA player. He is convinced that it will happen. Two weeks ago he told me that when he gets drafted and plays for the Thunder, he will buy a pair of Nike KD shoes. I reminded him that when he goes pro he will be able to design and market his own brand of basketball shoe and it won't be necessary to wear shoes with Kevin Durant's name all over them. He looked at me in all seriousness and said, "Mom, my shoes will be too expensive."
Yesterday he told me, "Mom, I love you so much that I promise when I make it to the NBA and become rich, I will take you to Spain. I might even hook you up with some play off tickets."
Today he is decked out in his basketball uniform.

It's 89 degrees and he has on thick, black sports socks pulled up to his knees. I thought to myself this kid understands fashion and the most important rule: style over comfort. If you have seen a recent post game interview with a NBA great, then we might agree that he is meant for the NBA after all.
Yesterday he told me, "Mom, I love you so much that I promise when I make it to the NBA and become rich, I will take you to Spain. I might even hook you up with some play off tickets."
Today he is decked out in his basketball uniform.

It's 89 degrees and he has on thick, black sports socks pulled up to his knees. I thought to myself this kid understands fashion and the most important rule: style over comfort. If you have seen a recent post game interview with a NBA great, then we might agree that he is meant for the NBA after all.
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Early Morning
This morning I found both boys in their pajamas playing soccer in the front yard at 0815. The neighbors say they hate to see us leave, but I know they really want to know how much longer they must endure screams of "GGGGOOOOAAALLL!!!!" in the early morning hours.
Truth be told, they may be forced to put up with us for another month because our house hunting venture has hit a standstill. Sorry, Neighbor, but if you only realized how difficult it is to keep my house standing when the boys are playing sports indoors, you would understand.
Today's soccer games were played locally. I would be lying if I weren't counting down the number of drives I must make to Savannah before the spring soccer season ends. In case you were wondering, it's nine. In two weeks.
Evan played three games in a row today. He literally played soccer from 1215 - 1615. Keagan played two games, and as I type, both boys are outside playing basketball. Sometimes I wish I had normal kids - kids who sit and play video games. Kids who don't have to be in motion every waking hour. Kids who don't feel compelled to get in a quick game at 0815 on a Saturday morning. And then I realize that if that were the case, I wouldn't be able to see this on the weekend.
It's so worth it!
Saturday, May 4, 2013
The Countdown Begins
Soccer got rained out today. I finished my two hour final exam last night thinking I would be spending the entire day on the soccer fields. That meant I had one full day with NOTHING to do. This was perfect because on Thursday I was placed on bed rest for the calf muscle that still thinks it's fun to not work properly. In case your were wondering, torn muscles are no joke.
I spent the entire day sitting on the couch in my lounge clothes looking for a new house in Tennessee, reading a book that had characters that included people rather than dragons, and watching countless hours of home design and backyard makeovers. I now wrap up my day drinking wine. PERFECTION. Is this really what weekends are supposed to be like?
The free time also meant I had time to think. OMG! We are moving in three weeks and I haven't even begun to sort, clean, or purge the athletic gear that has somehow multiplied itself into copious amounts of sporting goods. I have no idea how that happened.
Now, we pray that the upcoming deployment list contains someone else's name. Countdown begins!
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