Saturday, March 30, 2013


Evan has been training with an after school club for nine weeks for his first 5K. He was able to run it today with Wes, who came home for the weekend.

He started off with a sprint and a pace that I thought for sure would have him crawling to the finish line.

By the third lap, Wes had to step off to the side. Evan was running that fast.

I had no reason to worry, though, because Evan was a lot faster than I gave him credit. He finished in second place with an amazing time of 22.16. We are so impressed with what he has been able to accomplish in such a short amount of time!

If he can keep up with the fast one, Wes has found himself a new running partner.


  1. Go Evan..great job..Love you..Nonnie and Grandaddy.

  2. Great job, Evan. You'll be my inspriation as I participate in my first 5k of 2013 on Saturday!
