Monday, March 18, 2013

Boys Will be Boys

Yesterday Evan and our neighbor Z walked over to the neighborhood lake, which is a nice way of saying the drainage pond, to skip rocks. The boys were enjoying the sun and some time talking about boy things, namely the powers of various Skylanders, when Z picked up a rock to throw in the water. When he attempted to pick up another, Evan quickly told him to stop. Z was inches away from picking up a snake, and it wasn't just any snake. It was a rattle snake.

But it gets better.

The boys bent down to get a closer look at a real, live rattle snake - to see if the rattle would really shake - and to count the rings on the rattle. Really? Who does that? Thankfully, the temperature hadn't been warm enough to transiiton it out of hibernation yet.

Evan yelled, "It's a rattle snake!" Z yelled, "Cool, I've never seen one before...except that one Maybelle dragged up in the yard last fall! It was already dead so that doesn't count." The conversation continued when an adult across the street asked, "Do you boys see a snake?" Thank God the neighbor drew the boys' attention away from the danger because the boys were so enthralled with the creature, it never occurred to them to back away.

The snake was eventually killed and the boys were sent home safely with a story to tell. Boys might be boys, but next time my boy better be a whole lot smarter. So many reasons to be thankful today.

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