Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Nate and His Evil Twin Brother

Keagan was chosen to represent his class in a young author's writing competition with his story of Nate and His Evil Twin Brother. He read it out loud to Evan and me on the way home today, and before I could get a word out, Evan said, "Wow, Keagan, you have a well developed plot with a conflict and resolution. Most kids can't do that at your age. However, you might want to rethink your climax." Believe it or not, that is as close to a compliment that big brother can bestow on little brother. The intention to compliment was there - muddled with the unsolicited suggestion.

Which meant I had to ask Evan about his winning story. As it turns out someone else wrote a "ten page novel" that pretty much secured the win would go to someone other than Evan, but it might have had something to do with his story about moving to Georgia and learning to talk funny like the locals. I take it the "locals" didn't find that too funny.

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