Monday, June 22, 2009

Parting Gift

Many thanks are being sent to the student that sent the gift of pharyngitis my way the last week of school. 

1. There is something to be said with the uncanny ability to sweat buckets of water while shivering uncontrollably.

2. It is true that I am a person of few words, but the inability to speak anything for days on end was a special gift for my husband. He didn't hear me nag once about the dirty dishes or laundry to be folded, but I was also unable to articulate any warning for my son who tried to climb the pantry for a juice box.

3. Because of this gift I was able to attempt the skill of gargling milk and lidocaine hydrochloride. Unfortunately, it was not a skill that I perfected. Nor is it one that I would like to try again. However, I have perfected the skill of storing saliva in my cheeks because swallowing was so painful that I avoided it all cost.

4. My boys also learned that the ER at the Fort Belvoir Hospital has a cool playground and an icecream truck that frequents the property. However, the waiting area is not nearly as appealing with police officers, CPS officials, and old ladies claiming to have TB. 

5. Although I always said that I could eat Breyers peach icecream everyday for my entire life, I am pretty certain that I will never again be able to eat it with the same level of satisfaction. For some reason eating it while gritting my teeth with the pain of swallowing removes any enjoyment from eating my favorite dessert.

On second thought perhaps thanks doesn't encompass my true feelings. A few choice words are coming to mind... But it all seriousness, I am thankful to be feeling much better! I did get dressed today and I curled my hair. Things are looking up.

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